Thursday, September 7, 2017

2017 MARC Picnic 通知【by 张芳】

时间:11月19日,周日 10:45am-1:30pm
地点: 9600 Blackwell Rd., Suite300, Rockville, MD 20850 (北京中医药大学美国中医中心)

2nd Eat MARC Eat Picnic Event
(@10:45am on 10/29 at 9600 Blackwell Rd., Suite300, Rockville, MD 20850 )


All, the 2nd Eat MARC Eat Picnic is on the corner now. Due to the busy race season in Sep. and Oct., we currently decide 11/19/17 as the Picnic date, which shall be after Chicago and Steam town Marathon. We would love to see everyone showing up, including your family[Smile]. Please find the registration form below to specify your attendance and food/beverage you plan to bring so we can coordinate accordingly.

Couple of things:(will add more as we go)

1. 如果一家有俩个成人参加野餐,请也相应准备两份食品,并写上食品里是否含有坚果成分
1. If two adults in one family attend the Picnic, please ensure to bring at least two dishes and label your ingredients if they contain any kind of nuts;

2. 我们会尽力跟去年一样(提早去占亭子)节省开支,不在租亭子上上开销;但是若一旦因一些不确定因素需要开销的话,希望大家可以一起分摊
2. We will try to avoid the rent cost with the same approach we used in prior year; however, if we bear the cost for whatever reason, we would appreciate if you can share the cost with us;

3. 大家尽量带一些椅子和桌子
3. With that said, we would appreciate if you can bring any extra desk/chair for the picnic;

4. 今年聚餐将还会是“绿色”为主,各位请自带碗筷
4. We will continue to go GREEN this year, so please bring your own bowl and utensils;

5. 大家如果有什么想法和好的关于各种活动的主意,请踊跃发言;我们也会确保孩子们会有开心的时光
5. If you have any fun ideas for the entertainment, please feel free to let us know,  we want to ensure the kids will have fun time as well.

Please stay tuned as we will have more notice coming out associate with this Picnic event.

Eat MARC Eat and Run MARC Run.

Go MARCers!

Link to the Picnic registration!

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